Contributing to sponsoring an elderly person suffering from complete paralysis + maintaining and furnishing his home

An elderly couple in a very difficult situation
The husband is over 60 years old. He suffered a stroke and paralysis. He has been paralyzed and unable to speak since 2017, all because of the shock of the news of his son’s death on the night of his wedding, may God have mercy on him.
The wife takes care of the husband’s affairs, washes him, etc
Given their poor financial circumstances, and their inability to provide a toilet, I set up a chair for him to relieve himself


Sponsorship for the family: 200 dirhams per month
Modifying the bathroom and providing some supplies: 9 thousand dirhams

Be her support, as the woman is in severe pain, and alleviate her suffering. May God have mercy on you, forgive you, and raise your ranks.

Permit number: 3/252/2023